Daan RongenVerstedelijking en Buurtparticipatie: een nieuwe technologie voor urban planningModel 5621 is een technologie waarmee buurtbewoners op toegankelijke wijze hun ideale buurt vorm kunnen geven.Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Daan RongeninSensor LabLooking Back on Demystifying the Smart City — A Year of Research on the Trade-off Between Citizen…During the last few months, the world experienced how COVID-19 spread from continent to continent and how the invisible and intangible…Sep 1, 2020Sep 1, 2020
Daan RongeninSensor LabConcepting for a Smart City: a masterclass focussed on a human centred approach for the cities of…Looking back on organising our masterclass for smart city design at the “Information Superpower”-themed Graphic Matters.Dec 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019
Daan RongenThe Influence of Light in the ArenA Boulevard: Dynamic Visibility to Improve the Quality of…Research paper and Design document for the Interactive Lightstreet on the ArenA Boulevard in Amsterdam. Commissioned by Co-ReUs, in…Aug 30, 2017Aug 30, 2017